As the Pubg Mobile Season 12 is likely to be closed in next week so that PUBG has hosted the Lucky Money Tree Event to get a lucky chance to win an iPhone, Airpods and more prizes. You don't need to do anything you just have do shake the money tree.
This event has been started on 28th April and 5 May is the last day of this Lucky Money Tree Event. 5 days is the total duration of this event to win big prizes.
How to Play Lucky Money Tree Event
- Log in and complete Mission
- Click on Shake Button
- Go to Email
- Collect the Rewards
Prize List
- iPhone 11 Pro
- AirPods
- Common Kid Set
- Chemical Hazard Set
- Scar L Skin
- Crab Open Cover
How to complete Mission a collect Rewards
You will get 2 chances every day to win the rewards, you will get the first reward by logging the game and second by completion of any mission and there is no way to get a third chance to get the reward. You will wait for another day.
After that, if you have completed both missions, You will get the random prize by shaking the tree. Go in the Game mail and collect the prize
How to collect Physical Rewards.
If you win the Physical prize like iPhone and Earpods, you will have to fill the contact information to get the prize. Please note that once the all details submitted it will not be get edited.